Ebenezer United Methodist Church

144 Ebenezer Church Road, P. O. Box 70, Oldhams VA 22529
​Email: ebenezerumc22469@gmail.com

Founded 1838 - Sharing God's Love Through Service

Please Specify How You Want to Designate Your Donation by Typing One of the Following in the Box Below:

                                    General Fund
                                    (For budgeted expenses)
                                    Maintenance Fund
                                         (For maintenance of our facilities)
                                    Discretionary Fund
                                         (For our Pastor to help those in need)
                                    Food Pantry
                                    ​     (To provide food to our neighbors at our monthly Food Pantry)
                                    Backpack Buddies
                                          (To provide food to chronically hungry students for the weekend)                                                 Cemetery Trust Fund                                                                                                                                     (To help with the Perpetual Care of our Cemetery)​​

                                     Then Press Donate

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